Welcome, treasure hunters and gem enthusiasts! If you’ve ever dreamed of unearthing a dazzling diamond in the wild, then you’ve come to the right place.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating history and laws surrounding diamond hunting in the beautiful state of Oregon. Nestled in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon is a treasure trove of natural wonders and geological marvels. From breathtaking waterfalls to rugged coastlines and volcanic landscapes, the Beaver State is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and rock hounds alike.
Diamonds are rare and elusive, which is precisely what makes them so captivating. For centuries, these precious stones have been sought after by kings, queens, and explorers. In Oregon, diamonds have a rich and intriguing history that few are aware of. Through a combination of geological events, chance discoveries, and dedicated prospectors, the state has become a lesser-known but intriguing destination for diamond hunting.
However, before you grab your gear and set off to strike it rich, it’s essential to understand the laws governing diamond prospecting in Oregon. The state has specific regulations in place to protect its natural resources and ensure that treasure hunting remains a fun, safe, and responsible activity for all.
Join us as we delve into the sparkling world of diamonds in Oregon, uncovering the state’s hidden gems and guiding you through the best spots to try your luck. Who knows? You may just unearth the find of a lifetime!

What Is The History Of Finding Diamonds In Oregon?
The history of finding diamonds in Oregon is one of chance discoveries, dedicated prospectors, and geological intrigue. While Oregon may not be as famous as other diamond-producing regions, its history with these precious stones is no less fascinating.
It all began in the late 19th century when the first diamond was discovered in Oregon. In 1897, a prospector named Charles Woodcock found a small diamond in his gold pan while working a claim in the Rabbit Basin area of the Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon. The discovery piqued the interest of geologists and prospectors, leading to further exploration in the region.
In the early 20th century, lots of diamonds were located in different areas of the state, including the Ochoco National Forest, the John Day Fossil Beds area, and down the coast. These discoveries were often serendipitous, with diamonds turning up in unexpected locations.
Over the years, Oregon’s diamond discoveries have been attributed to its unique geology. The state is part of the North American Craton, a large, stable continental plate that includes diamond-rich areas such as the Canadian Shield. Additionally, Oregon’s volcanic past and its history of glacial activity have played a role in the formation and transportation of diamonds. Kimberlite pipes, which are the primary sources of diamonds, have been discovered in neighboring states, further supporting the potential for diamond finds in Oregon.
Despite these geological clues, commercial diamond mining has never taken off in the state. Instead, Oregon has become a destination for rock hounds, prospectors, and gem enthusiasts looking to uncover the state’s hidden gems. The prospect of discovering diamonds in Oregon, while rare, continues to captivate treasure hunters and fuel their dreams of unearthing the next big find.
Are You Legally Allowed To Fossick For Diamonds In Oregon?
In general, recreational prospecting and rockhounding are allowed in Oregon, subject to specific rules and regulations. Public areas looked after by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) often permit recreational rockhounding, including searching for diamonds, as long as it’s for personal use and not for commercial purposes.
It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the regulations governing prospecting in Oregon before you begin. Restrictions may apply to certain areas, such as designated wilderness areas, national parks, and state parks. You should also obtain any necessary permits or permissions, and always follow the “Leave No Trace” principles to minimize your impact on the environment.
For more information on Oregon’s prospecting laws and regulations, you can refer to the following resources:
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregon: BLM manages many public lands in Oregon, and their website provides information on prospecting regulations and guidelines.
United States Forest Service (USFS) Oregon: USFS also manages public lands in Oregon, and their website may contain relevant information on rockhounding and prospecting regulations.
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI): DOGAMI can provide information on Oregon’s geology, mineral resources, and related regulations.
Remember to verify the information you find online and consult up-to-date sources to ensure you are following the current laws and regulations related to fossicking in Oregon.
What Does A Oregon Diamond Look Like?
Diamonds found in Oregon are similar in appearance to diamonds found in other parts of the world. They are typically characterized by their brilliant luster, high refractive index, and adamantine (diamond-like) hardness. Oregon diamonds can come in various shapes, sizes, and colours depending on their quality and the specific conditions under which they were formed.
An Oregon diamond may be transparent, translucent, or opaque and can range in color from colorless to shades of yellow, brown, gray, or even black. The color of a diamond is influenced by trace elements and impurities present during its formation.
Most natural diamonds, regardless of origin, contain inclusions (tiny imperfections or foreign materials) that can affect their overall appearance and clarity. However, it is important to note that diamonds found in Oregon are generally not of gem-quality and are often industrial-grade diamonds with more inclusions and less clarity compared to those from famous diamond-producing regions like South Africa, Russia, or Canada.
As Oregon is not a major diamond-producing area, finding a diamond in the state is considered a rare occurrence. The diamonds found in Oregon are usually discovered accidentally during recreational prospecting or rockhounding activities. To accurately identify a diamond, especially a rough, uncut one, it is recommended to consult with a gemologist or an experienced rockhound. They can help confirm the stone’s identity and provide more information on its characteristics and potential value.
Where Are The Places You Can Find Diamonds In Oregon?
While Oregon is not known as a major diamond-producing region, diamonds have been found in various parts of the state, often as a result of chance discoveries or during recreational prospecting and rockhounding activities. Some of the areas where diamonds have been found in Oregon include:
Blue Mountains: The first diamond discovery in Oregon was made in the Blue Mountains, specifically in the Rabbit Basin area in Eastern Oregon. While this area is not a significant source of diamonds, it remains an interesting location for rockhounds and prospectors.
Ochoco National Forest: Diamonds have been found in the Ochoco National Forest, particularly in the vicinity of Mill Creek Wilderness. The area is also known for its diverse range of other minerals and gemstones.
John Day Fossil Beds area: Diamonds have been discovered in the vicinity of the John Day Fossil Beds, which is a area for geological exploration due to its rich fossil history.
Coastal regions: Some diamonds have been found along the Oregon coast, often in gravel deposits or within coastal sediments. However, these occurrences are generally rare and sporadic.
Keep in mind that when searching for diamonds or other minerals in Oregon, it’s crucial to follow the appropriate laws and regulations. Obtain any necessary permits, respect private property, and follow the principles of “Leave No Trace” to minimize your impact on the environment.
Before heading to any of these locations, it’s advisable to research the specific areas in more detail and consult with local authorities, rockhounding clubs, or experienced prospectors for the most up-to-date information and guidance.