Gold has been around since the start of time and is a very stable investment, as it is always going to be used and only so much can be mined in the world.
Here Is Why Gold Will Go Up In Value:
Gold has always gone up in value over time, and even in good or bad times (including wars, recessions and stock market crashes). Gold is a very stable investment and we will discuss how this will go up in different circumstances throughout this article.

Does Gold Increase In Value Over Time?
Yes. People view gold as a standard value for currencies globally. When the prices of stocks decline, gold increases.
Investing in gold can assist you in balancing your portfolio. Also, gold performs better during periods of economic uncertainty, and people call it a crisis commodity because it has excellent resilience.
Gold acts as a hedge against inflation. Admittedly, the value of the dollar raises the gold prices. Also, gold is a discreet method for transferring wealth to your next generation.
Research indicates that the rising demand from the Indian and Chinese governments assists in maintaining the value of gold high.
Gold offers an ideal way to preserve wealth because it tends to hold its value well over time. That means that the same amount of money would purchase the same items more easily than other assets ten years later. That can be particularly useful when other investments are going down in value because gold is a good hedge against inflation and a safe haven.
Gold holds its value even if other currencies and assets lose value, making it a great investment for people on a fixed income or those who want to preserve their purchasing power.
Does Gold Increase In Value With Inflation?
Yes. The gold price increases significantly during periods of high inflation rates. That means that people are willing to pay more for gold because it will hold its value better than other items or assets, and it is dollar-dominated.
Inflation is caused by an increase in demand for goods and services, leading to an increase in supply and higher prices for goods and services.
From 1974 to around 1980, inflationary rates increased from $129 to $675/ounce. The consumer price index used to measure inflation rose to 68% during that period. That demonstrated that gold rates outnumbered inflation rates.
The approximate cumulative inflation rate from 2010 to 2017 was approximately 15%. During that period, gold prices rose from $1200 to 1330 due to rising inflation.
Historically, people have used gold as a safe asset in combating inflation. Since gold is a tangible commodity and its supply is limited, its value rises during high inflation periods.
Since gold price is measured in currencies, when increased inflation lowers the purchasing power of paper currencies and drives up prices, gold experiences a price rise with other commodities.
The extended relationship between inflation and gold began approximately five decades ago, when the US president, Richard Nixon, ended the gold standard.
That means the US dollar could not be converted into physical bullion. Consequently, investors have experienced a spike in gold prices and a fall in the stock market when inflation rises.
Does Gold Go Up With Oil?
Yes. In the last half-century, oil prices increased along with the oil prices, especially from the 1970s to the 2000s.
One can establish the impact of oil prices on gold through the export revenue channel. To maintain commodity value and disperse market rise, dominant oil-exporting countries utilize their high revenues from the sale of oil to invest in gold.
Understandably, numerous nations, including the oil producers, retain gold as a valuable asset in their international reserve portfolios, an increase in oil prices directly contributed to rise in gold prices. That holds true, provided that gold continues to account for a considerable portion of the asset portfolio of the exporters. Therefore, expanding oil reserves increases investment in the gold market and contributes to the rise of both gold and oil prices.
Since the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to sell oil in US dollars in 19975, marketers have priced both gold and oil in US dollars. Therefore, the dollar’s volatility might contribute to the movement of gold and crude oil in the same direction. However, what affects the rise in prices is when the dollar weakens.
With limited buying power, higher prices (more dollars) are needed to buy the same amount of gold and oil.
Does Gold Increase During A Recession?
Yes. When the stock market goes down (falls), the demand increases as investors looks for better options. That automatically raises the price of gold in the market, and it has been shown in the past that gold prices went up dramatically during a recession or economic crisis.
The recession back in the year 2000 in nations including USA contributed to the increase of gold prices. In such a case, numerous development made the markets in the US volatile.
The shifting of manufacturing processes, conflict between the United States and the Middle East, and September 11 attack on the world trade centre affected the stock market dramatically. This situation had a huge impact and gold prices went up at a large rate.
In 2001, gold was sold at $270, but it rose to $309 in 2001 and $363 in 2003.
During the 2008 recession, prices of gold increased significantly. In such a case, several financial chaos, including the downfall of Lehman Brothers in 2008, made gold increase to more than $700/ounce to approximately $1900/ounce in October 2011.
During that period, globally equity markets were volatile since investors relied on gold to make sure their investments were secure.
The financial crises returned in 2018 since the Sino-American trade war began. The trade war started when the US started placing charges on goods imported from China. Similarly, China did the same by placing taxes also on US goods.
In the end, both countries escalated to where several consultations did not yield favorable results. That contributed to an increase in gold prices from 2018 to 2022. For instance, in 2017, gold was averagely sold at $1258, but it rose to $1393 in 2019.
Does Gold Go Up In A Stock Market Crash?
Yes, gold does go up when the market crashes. In every single instance of a stock market crash since 2000, gold has gone up in price after anywhere from one day to four months.
This increase in value is tied to decreasing faith in paper currency and our society’s natural tendency to want to find safety when we’re scared and uncertain about the future (a phenomenon known as herd behavior).
Does Gold Go Up In Times Of War?
Yes. During times of war and turmoil, like in the second world war or further recent times in Iraq or Afghanistan, gold prices will increase slightly. It can fluctuate as high as three percent at its peak in that case.
As you can see, this is a small percentage increase in value. However, it can be seen that when times are tumultuous, and war is in the air, discounts tend to occur at certain key moments. However, there is no evidence that gold’s value is more stable during the war than peace times.
The cost of gold will not be affected by wars or violence until the price of supply changes. For example, if France takes over the Middle East and forms a new union of countries based on gold-backed currency or the US enters into a trade agreement with China, these events would alter the supply of gold available for purchase.
The supply of gold is determined by the demand, determined by the investor base. In other words, they determine the value. As a result, it’s best to look at what investors are saying instead of observing price changes.
There are certain “hot spots” where price increases can be seen when military action occurs in certain regions, doesn’t mean that this will continue at all times and under all circumstances. In this case, it could just be a reflection of war and nothing more than that.
How Much Does Gold Increase In Value Per Year?
There are many different ways to calculate the price of gold, but it is completely fair to say that it increases by at least 3 percent in value every year. That is because people buy more and more gold each year, with more and more demand on the market as time goes on.
Generally, investing in gold can be a good idea for those aware of how much their investment will grow over time. Using this method will allow you to track historical trends when determining the fair market value of your investments or other valuables that you may own.
There are too many factors for a definitive answer regarding how much gold increases in value per year. The price of gold depends on how it compares with other investments like stocks or bonds.
It also depends on things like inflation rates or interest rates that can change at any moment. Nonetheless, some economists have approximated that the widely accepted rule of thumb for yearly gold returns is generally 4% to 5%.
Investing in gold can offer you an ideal opportunity to diversify your portfolio and hedge against inflation. It is wise to take some money out of the stock market and sink it into something with a more reliable value over time. In reality, gold is a safe-haven asset that will always outperform stocks or cash during times of uncertainty.
Also, gold has been used as currency for thousands of years, so its purchasing power is intrinsic and universal across all cultures – people from all walks of life will always want gold as an investment because it benefits them financially.
However, as an investment, many investors are curious about how much they can expect gold to increase in value over time, but it is very challenging to calculate.